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Contact Details
Head Office
396 11 Ave SW, Suite 640
Calgary, AB T2R 0C5
(403) 993-7761
General Inquiries

Head Office
396 11 Ave SW, Suite 640
Calgary, AB T2R 0C5
(403) 993-7761
General Inquiries
Dear Clients, Partners, Friends, and Poor Souls Who Opened This Letter,
Well, here we are—another year older, a bit wiser(?), and, in AJM tradition, full of cheese (both metaphorically and literally). Let’s rewind 2024 and relive AJM Environmental’s greatest hits—the moments where chaos knocked, and we showed up with just enough brilliance to make it look intentional.
What We Were Up To in 2024
This year we tackled challenges with all the vigor of Santa’s elves trying to meet their toy quota. Here are some highlights!
Spotting owls in Alberta during the winter is a thrilling experience, as several species, including the great horned and snowy owl, remain active in open or edge habitats despite the cold. Their presence in our snow-covered landscapes adds an enchanting and mysterious element to the province’s winter wildlife. Read on to learn more about four owl species commonly seen in Alberta throughout the winter!
As biologists and environmental scientists, even we sometimes mix up the American Crow and the Common Raven. They are remarkably similar, but with a bit of practice, you can tell them apart. Here’s how to differentiate these two members of the Corvid family.