Bull Trout Gamete Collection and In-Situ Fertilization
CLIENT: Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
As part of the Federal recovery strategy for Bull Trout, an at-risk species, AJM Fisheries Biologists collaborated with the Ontario and Prairies/Arctic Region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to deliver on an innovative research project exploring the thermal tolerances of the threatened species. AJM was engaged by DFO’s Freshwater Institute to support project planning leading up to the collection of gametes (egg and milt) from a spawning population of Bull Trout in southern Alberta. AJM Biologists then led field crews (including DFO Biologists) in the safe and effective capture (and eventual release) of multiple adult fish from an adfluvial spawning population. Once captured, adult Bull Trout were processed by AJM Biologists for the collection and in-situ fertilization of eggs and milt. Post-collection and fertilization, gametes were prepared for immediate air transport to incubation and rearing facilities in Winnipeg. After hatching, juvenile Bull Trout will be reared by DFO Research Biologists and tested for temperature tolerances. Resulting information will be important to help understand the potential threat of rising water temperatures on Alberta’s Bull Trout populations.