EPEA - Regulated Wetland Monitoring Programs

CLIENT: Cenovus Energy Inc.

Cenovus Energy Inc. retained AJM to develop and complete an Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) regulated Wetland Monitoring Program (WMP) for three of their steam assisted gravity drainage recovery projects: Christina Lake Thermal Project (CLTP), Narrows Lake Thermal Project (NLTP), and Foster Creek Thermal Project (FCTP). AJM started completion of this monitoring in 2016 and has been completing them annually since that time.  

The scope of work includes the following:  

  • WMP proposal development for submission and approval by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER);

  • Site selection and establishment; 

  • Annual hydrology and vegetation monitoring; 

  • Data analysis; and 

  • Reporting, including comprehensive monitoring reports every three years for submission to the AER. 

AJM conducts annual monitoring of wetland sites adjacent to project infrastructure at the CLTP, NLTP, and FCTP, collecting data on the vegetation, hydrology, and water quality of wetland ecosystems. Our wetland ecologists and statistical professionals analyze the inter-annual variations in the monitoring data using statistical coding in R and GIS software. The experimental site data is compared to reference data collected from control sites in undisturbed locations and aids in determining potential project-related effects on the wetlands systems. Annual culvert monitoring surveys are also completed to assess the effectiveness of the existing mitigation measures on the projects. 

The results are then included in annual reports for each project. These reports outline the key metrics and targets for the projects and evaluate the progress achieved towards each goal. AJM also includes professional recommendations of mitigation measures that should be implemented to reduce any observed effects of the projects’ infrastructure on the surrounding wetlands. Comprehensive reports for each project are submitted to the AER every three years and have consistently been successful in attaining approval for the continuation for all three projects.  

AJM is proud of the excellent data collection and report deliverables that we have produced for these projects. Our products have been successful in enabling the client to continue their project operations, and they have also allowed us to gain valuable data and insights on wetland ecosystem management with regards to project infrastructure. 

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