Foothills West Path Delivery Pipeline Environmental Monitoring
Long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum)
AJM was contracted by TC Energy to provide environmental consulting services for the construction of the Elko and Yahk sections of the Foothills West Path Delivery natural gas pipeline in southeastern British Columbia (BC). The Elko and Yahk sections are approximately 32km and 12.5km in length, respectively, and are located in the mountains adjacent to the towns from which they are named. The technical scope of the services provided by AJM on these projects included:
Pre-construction wildlife sweeps (including migratory bird nest sweeps) on both the Elko and Yahk sections;
Raptor and owl nest sweeps on the Elko section;
Migratory bird nest mitigation guidance on both the Elko and Yahk sections;
Amphibian mitigation guidance and salvages on the Elko section;
Water quality monitoring on the Yahk section; and
Implementation of TC Energy’s Environmental Protection Plans.
AJM provided many field crews between these two projects at relatively late notice to ensure that the construction crews were able to proceed on schedule. The environmental services were conducted in accordance with accepted best practices and ensured compliance with relevant federal and provincial regulations (e.g., Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994, Migratory Birds Regulations 2022, Species at Risk Act 2002, and BC Wildlife Act 1996). AJM identified over 70 nests between the two sections, including provincially and federally listed species at risk, and implemented appropriate mitigations to ensure environmental compliance while enabling construction to progress. AJM also salvaged and relocated approximately 66,000 amphibians from the Elko section in 2022 and 2023. Both sections were able to proceed on schedule during the periods when AJM was contracted.
In February 2023, AJM expanded its scope on the Yahk section to also include water quality monitoring during the construction cleanup phase. This was requested by TC Energy due to the high quality of our wildlife consulting services on the project.