Here's just a small sampling of the awesome projects we’ve been grateful to work on over the years.
Bleriot Ferry Rehabilitation Project
Jamac Painting & Sandblasting Ltd. (Jamac) retained AJM to provide environmental consulting for the Bleriot Ferry Rehabilitation Project near Munson, AB in 2023. Critical deliverables were to include:
• Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plan;
• Bird Management Plan (BMP), including a Wildlife Survey and Sweep of the area; and
• Weed Survey and Weed Infestation map.
AJM crafted an ECO plan compliant with current laws, regulations, permits, and the ECO Plan Framework. It covered all environmental aspects identified by the Environmental Risk Assessment, including Clubroot and Whirling Disease control methods, a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, and a Bird Management Plan (BMP). The plan, once reviewed and revised in response to the Project administrator's feedback, included a Clubroot Management Plan adhering to Alberta Agriculture standards and a Whirling Disease protocol based on AEP guidelines.
Pipeline Construction Monitoring - Foothills West Path Delivery (Turner Valley, Longview & Lundreck)
AJM was contracted by TC Energy in 2023 to provide environmental monitoring support for the construction of the Turner Valley, Longview, and Lundbreck sections of the Foothills West Path Delivery natural gas pipeline system in southwestern Alberta.
The scope of work provided by AJM included:
Early season raptor surveys to follow Restricted Activity Period (RAP) timing;
Pre-construction migratory bird nest sweeps;
Amphibian mitigation guidance and salvages;
Mountain Goat and Bighorn Sheep surveys and mitigation on Lundbreck; and
Assisting Environmental Inspectors with implementation of Environmental Protection Plans.
AJM assisted TC Energy in complying with the Migratory Birds Convention Act, the Alberta Wildlife Act, and Species at Risk Act. AJM implemented mitigations for many migratory bird species including two species listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA); the olive-sided flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) and bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus). AJM provided environmental support to support pipeline development while providing appropriate mitigations to meet regulatory requirements. Additionally, AJM aided TC Energy of implementation of the Environmental Protection Plan developed for this pipeline project. This project was a Canada Energy Regulator (CER) regulated project.
Wildlife and Aquatic Services for Road & Bridge Construction
Farmboy Landscaping and Maintenance (Farmboy) retained AJM to provide ongoing wildlife and aquatic services for various road and bridge construction projects from 2021 to present. AJM’s support includes but is not limited to Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plan development, wildlife surveys and sweeps, migratory bird nest sweeps, water quality monitoring (total suspended solids testing), monitoring water diversion activities, QAES support, and fish salvages.
Pre-Development Assessments for Oil & Gas Development on Department of National Defense Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Suffield
AJM has developed a strong working relationship with one of its international oil and gas exploration and production clients to assist their development team with overcoming environmental and regulatory challenges and approvals with new energy development projects, specifically on the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Suffield in southeastern Alberta.
The current scope of work includes:
Desktop review of background environmental data;
Scouting of best routes and locations for placement of pipelines and well sites;
Completion of field assessments including wetlands, wildlife, and vegetation;...
Douglasdale Park Habitat Management Plan
AJM was contracted by the City of Calgary’s Parks and Open Spaces Unit to produce a ten-year Habitat Management Plan for Douglasdale Natural Environment Park, a 47ha park located adjacent to the Bow River in southeast Calgary. The primary objective of a Habitat Management Plan is to outline a clear strategy and timeline for the management of the ecological health and function of the park, and to ensure that biodiversity and climate resilience outcomes can be achieved more effectively.
The scope of work included reconnaissance site visits to the park and a thorough desktop review of background data, including ecological surveys, health assessments, biophysical impact assessments, historical aerial photos, and GIS data. AJM worked in collaboration with the City of Calgary to incorporate contributor engagement from various stakeholders, including public park users.
Foothills West Path Delivery Pipeline Environmental Monitoring
AJM was contracted by TC Energy to provide environmental consulting services for the construction of the Elko and Yahk sections of the Foothills West Path Delivery natural gas pipeline in southeastern British Columbia (BC). The Elko and Yahk sections are approximately 32km and 12.5km in length, respectively, and are located in the mountains adjacent to the towns from which they are named. The technical scope of the services provided by AJM on these projects included:
Pre-construction wildlife sweeps (including migratory bird nest sweeps) on both the Elko and Yahk sections;
Keystone XL (KXL) Pipeline Construction Monitoring
TC Energy retained AJM Environmental Inc. (AJM) to provide construction monitoring support for development of their KXL pipeline in southeastern Alberta. This scope of work included migratory bird nest sweeps, sensitive raptor nest monitoring, amphibian salvages, snake relocation and monitoring, and verifying rare plants and rare ecological communities.
Integrity Dig Program
AJM's involvement in integrity dig projects encompasses identifying environmental prerequisites for wildlife, wetlands, aquatic life, vegetation, and soil within Alberta. Initially, a thorough desktop review is performed to ascertain these requirements. The identification of wildlife requirements is conducted in accordance with the Public Lands Act, Wildlife Act, Species at Risk Act, and Migratory Birds Convention Act. Supporting field assessments for these acts involve Wildlife Surveys, Wildlife Sweeps, and Migratory Bird Nest Sweeps.
Keystone XL Snake Monitoring Project
Design and implement a snake monitoring project for the Keystone XL pipeline in Alberta. Focus species are the prairie rattlesnake, bullsnake, and two garter snake species. Project includes study design, field assessment to identify hibernacula at three major river crossings, and the monitoring of snake populations one-season prior to construction, and for one season after. The objectives of the monitoring project are to quantify the effects, if any, of the Keystone XL pipeline construction on snake populations in the immediate vicinity of the pipeline and use the data to inform future construction design and mitigation strategies.
Pre-Construction Wildlife Sweeps - Connacher Dilbit Lateral Pipeline
AJM conducted preconstruction wildlife sweeps for the Connacher Dilbit Lateral Pipeline in the Boreal Forest, south of Fort McMurray in Northern Alberta. AJM biologists performed wildlife sweeps across 12 km of pipeline right-of-way (RoW). These sweeps adhered to the Government of Alberta Wildlife Sweep Protocols and the Government of Alberta Sensitive Species Inventory Guidelines. Additionally, AJM complied with the Migratory Birds Convention Act 1994, Migratory Birds Regulations 2022, Species at Risk Act 2002, and the Alberta Wildlife Act 2022. The sweeps, conducted in early December, focused on significant wildlife features like stick nests and beaver lodges/dams.
Environment & Regulatory Support - Drilling Programs
AJM has developed strong working relationship with clients as a member of their development teams (e.g., development engineers, surface land, facilities, earthworks, etc.) to handle the environmental and regulatory challenges with new energy development. Projects have included coordinating approvals (including, but not limited to, Water Act, Public Lands Act, Historical Resources Act, and Wildlife Act); providing updates to the development teams as to the status of environmental assessments and applications; conducting wetland, wildlife, vegetation, and archaeological field assessments; reviewing environmental assessment reports on clients’ behalf; and collecting and submitting environmental information for Directive 56 well license approvals.
At a Glance
Consulting Services
AJM specializes in wetland, wildlife, vegetation, aquatic and GIS services including pre-development assessments, regulatory applications and monitoring programs.
Software Development
Through our in-house software development team, we provide innovative solutions to meet your environmental needs.
AJM has worked on a variety of projects and is grateful for our clients trust. We take immense pride in our project experience from within a diverse group of industries including oil & gas, mining, government, non-profit and beyond.
AJM considers a project a success when completed safely, on time and on budget. None of our work is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely.